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支招小作文(173) I 静态表 五个国家医疗投资对比

February 1, 2024

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[2024/ 1/ 27] The table below shows the percentage of GDP occupied by health spending in 2009.


- Body 1:花费较高的3个国家—France,Germany,USA

- Body 2:花费较低的2个国家—Japan,Italy


The table compares Japan, Italy, France, Germany and USA with regard to the distribution of GDP to healthcare for the year 2009.


In general, USAhad the largest expenditureon healthcare among all the 5 countries, and it was the only country where the private spendingoccupied a larger share of GDPthan the public spending.


- USA占比最高

- 只有在USA,private spending> public spending

【Body 1】

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see thatUSA allocated 40% of its GDP on healthcare,half ofwhich was for private spending,slightly higher thanthe figure for public spending in this country(15%). The proportion of the total cost of healthcare in Germanyranked the second place(35%),closely followed bythat in Germany(30%). The figures for private and public spending in these two countriesshowed a similar pattern,ranging from12%to18%.


- USA:total spending为40%,其中一半是private spending,略微>public spending

- Germany 和France

- 总花费排名第二、第三

- 其余两列数据呈现类似规律,数值区间范围是12%到18%

【Body 2】

By contrast,a smaller percentage of GDP was used for healthcare in Japan and Italy, with the figures of 20% and 25% respectively.To be more specific,Japan allocated 10% of its GDP on public spending,twice the figure forits private spending.In Italy,private and public spendingshared a similar figure, with roughly 10%.


- Japan和Italy在healthcare的花费比例较低,分别是20%和25%

- Japan:public spending是10%,是private spending的2倍

- Italy:public spending和private spending相似,约为10%

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